Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ithaka by C.P. Cavafy

     The first time I read this poem, the thought that came into my mind was, "What could Ithaka mean?" In the poem, it seems to be a marvelous place that takes a long time to reach. There are many obstacles along the way before getting to Ithaka, but the persona makes it sound that these hindrances are actually good. It was then that I realized that Ithaka could probably mean more than just a place. It could also symbolize the goals we have in life. We do everything to attain these goals, but what we don't realize is that the experiences and lessons we learn on the way are much more significant and enriching. After we accomplish something, our longing for something seems to end, but the poem is trying to point out the fun in having a long journey because we always strive to achieve or attain something we want. We will then keep on moving forward and in the end, we will realize that it was all worth it. This poem feels enlightening and encouraging the same time. It definitely made me more optimistic and glad about life. After reading it, I had this urge to show the poem to others and ask them the question, "What is your Ithaka?"

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